How to get from Bangkok to Pakse
After our landing in Thailand, we go from Bangkok to Paksé to reach Laos. From Chatuchak station, north of Bangkok, the 12-13 hour journey cost us 900 baht.
A few days in Bangkok and off we went to Laos. But first, you have to find the bus ticket. It takes place at Chatuchak station, north of Bangkok. From the center of the city, insist with your taxi driver (even if it means showing him our photo). You go to Chatuchak station...not Mo Chit station or Chatuchak market but to Chatuchak STATION. We barely add more.
Departure 7:00 p.m. from Bangkok
As a precaution, we took our ticket a little in advance, but you can perhaps try to go there the same day to avoid two round trips to the station. Once there, you go to counter 22, the only one indicating the destination of Pakse, and you pay 900 baht per person for the trip. It will therefore be a departure at 7 p.m. from Bangkok and an arrival around 7:30 a.m. in Pakse,with a quiet border crossing. The perfect time to head straight toDon Som, on the 4000 islands !

This is Chatuchak station.