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  • Douze regards du monde | Conseils, bons plans & itinéraires de voyages

    Itinéraires, budget, bons plans... Douze regards du monde vous donne plein d'astuces pour vos voyages en sac à dos ! TWELVE LOOKS WORLDWIDE SERVICES WHAT TO FIND HERE? ROUTES Country technical sheets, budget, route GOOD DEALS Save money, optimize t on calendar, landscapes at do not miss YOUR PREPARATION What to put in your bag what bank choose, your budget world Tour WHO ARE WE ? ABOUT Anthony Florian After a few years of roommates and several months of savings, we're off! We are going on a one-year world tour in twelve countries, which we bring to life in videos (more or less educational) through our Facebook page. This is the start of Twelve Views of the World! After a few months, the desire to share takes on a new form and is now also transmitted through our little tips for all travelers, on our site. With, at the heart of DRDM, our three keywords: encounter, discovery and sharing! Learn more INSTAGRAM

  • Lac Titicaca : plutôt Pérou ou Bolivie ? | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Étape obligée, le lac Titicaca divise... Et si,finalement, le juste milieu était à voir du côté d’un petit village de pêcheurs. Lake Titicaca: rather Peru or Bolivia? An obligatory step on the border between Bolivia and Peru, Lake Titicaca divides... Is it better to enjoy it on the Bolivian side or rather on the Peruvian neighbour? The debate is lively. Organized excursion enthusiasts vote for Isla del Sol, in Bolivia. Pro-Peruvians vote for Puno. On the shores of Lake Titicaca, everyone has made up their minds and no one agrees. And if, finally, the happy medium was to be seen on the side of a small fishing village. Llachón and its sunset 2 hours from collectivo de Puno, the decor of Llachón will convince anyone who ventures there. At the edge of the lake, this small town of 2,000 inhabitants, each more welcoming than the other, offers a soothing calm. Two evenings spent admiring the sunset are enough to make you want to extend your stay. Llachón holds competition with Isla del Sol If the peace and quiet stress you out, Llachón also offers its share of activities on the lake. The visit to the floating villages or neighboring islands competes with the “tourist cargo” services offered in Copacabana to get to Isla del Sol. The debate is closed. For Lake Titicaca, head to Peru. Direction Llachon. From Puno, meet in front of the Bellavista mercado ( is your best friend) to take a bus to Llachón or Capachica. In the second case, then take another collectivo that will take you to Llachón. How to get to Llachon? How much does it cost ? Where to stay? Many buses leave every day in both directions and the transport will cost you 6 or 7 soles (one way). In about 2 hours, depending on the filling speed of your collectivo, you arrive at your destination. For the return, it is the same formula. We stayed at the "Casa de Félix", run by a family from the island. Super nice, Félix offers a few outings on the lake to, among other things, go to floating villages. The dinner "trucha" and the breakfast donuts are killer. When we passed by, the night (with super comfortable mattress) cost 30 soles. To contact Félix: 951664828 / 973642767 or How to get to Torotoro How to get to Torotoro How to eat in La Paz How to eat in La Paz How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru How to get to Sajama in Bolivia How to get to Sajama in Bolivia How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile What to do in Sajama? What to do in Sajama? Our itinerary in Bolivia Our itinerary in Bolivia

  • Que faire à Whangarei : Urquharts Bay, la rando aux mille visages | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Postée entre Auckland et la baie des îles, Whangarei offre quelques randos. Et notamment celle d’Urquharts Bay... What to do in Whangarei: Urquharts Bay, the hike with a thousand faces Posted between Auckland and the Bay of Islands, Whangarei offers some hiking possibilities in the North of New Zealand. And in particular that of Urquharts Bay, where beaches, forests and plains mingle. The North Island offers a wide menu. Geothermal energy in Rotorua, rolling plains of Coromandel, cliffs of the Whitecliffs or even hobbit houses. Further north of the island, Urquharts Bay sums up this diversity well. In two hours of walking, the visitor passes from the green grass to an azure blue beach, passing by a blockhouse of the Second World War and a dense forest. By taking, of course, a little height to afford magnificent views. Perfect picnic spot At the end of the Urquharts Bay road, free parking is available. From there, follow the “Busby head” signs to get to Smugglers Bay. Take your time, in two hours of walking you can already enjoy the scenery. We advise you to stay there longer. History to plan a small picnic on the beach for example. How to save on your activities in New Zealand How to save on your activities in New Zealand 10 Day North Island Itinerary 10 Day North Island Itinerary Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island? Our itinerary in New Zealand Our itinerary in New Zealand 7 Day South Island Itinerary 7 Day South Island Itinerary

  • Comment économiser sur vos activités en Nouvelle-Zélande | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Le budget monte vite en Nouvelle-Zélande, quitte à devoir zapper les activités payantes. Mais on a un petit plan pour vous. How to save on your activities in New Zealand The budget rises quickly in New Zealand, even if it means having to skip paid activities. But we have a little plan to help you treat yourself to some pleasures without spending too much. The flight is tiring. After more than 20 hours of travel, it's not easy to be lucid... However, that's where everything is at stake. As soon as you arrive at the airport, from Auckland, Christchurch or elsewhere, watch for the “Arrival” magazine. Available everywhere and free, this seemingly simple advertising guide can save you a lot of money in New Zealand. The bookme app is your friend On the program, for example, 20% reduction on entry to the geothermal site of Wai-O-Tapu or for the observation of glowworms at the “Glowworm caves”. If the discounts in this guide aren't enough for you, take a look at the “bookme” app. Otherwise, there is always a way to have fun in New Zealand without spending anything given the number of free hikes.Like in Urquharts Bay for example. Hot water beach, Hahei Our itinerary in New Zealand Our itinerary in New Zealand 10 Day North Island Itinerary 10 Day North Island Itinerary 7 Day South Island Itinerary 7 Day South Island Itinerary What to do in Whangarei? What to do in Whangarei? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island?

  • Parc Zhangjiajie : quel itinéraire pour 1, 2 ou 4 jours ? | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Du simple amateur d’Avatar aux amoureux des randos plus longues, le parc de Zhangjiajie contentera tout le monde. Dans l’idéal, on vous conseille tout de même d’y passer 4 jours pour vraiment profiter de ses paysages et de son atmosphère. Zhangjiajie Park: which itinerary for 1, 2 or 4 days? From the simple Avatar fan to lovers of longer hikes, Zhangjiajie Park will satisfy everyone. Ideally, we still advise you to spend 4 days there to really enjoy its landscapes and its atmosphere. 2 days: Avatar, but not only In two days, two options are possible. Cut the program described in the option " 1 jour " in two. With, in this case, the opportunity to do both sites on the same day (which gives you a second chance if ever the sun is not there). The other possibility is to complete the program " 1 day " on your first day and then visit other parts._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ The view from “ One step to Heaven ”, in the Yuangjiajie loop, combines a good physical effort and a partial isolation of the tourists massed on the two main attractions of the park. In the same day, it is possible to then go to the Daguangdai loop, not really popular with tourists, where the landscapes are drier than elsewhere in the park. 1 day: Avatar option Everything is allowed. Thanks to the very good transport network inside the park, it is possible to visit the two main attractions in a single day. From Wulingyuan, take the shuttle bus to stop at “ Water Winding Four Gates ”. In two hours, between walking “ Golden whip stream ” and the stairs of Luancuan slope, you will reach the most known (Avatar Spot). Enjoy the karst peaks for a while and then weave your way through all the tourists to pick up a bus heading to Tianzi Mountain. The time to explore the place, in a setting very different from the previous one, more sparse but with more perspective, the big needle will have turned twice. After this busy day, you can go down the stairs and then pick up the shuttle to Wulingyuan (or take the paying cable car) at the station “ Ten mile Natural Gallery_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_”. Time to look at your photos and, surely, to finally want to extend the stay. 4 days: " I paid for my ticket, I can tell you that I will make it profitable " The price of the ticket is invariable. Whether you spend 1, 2, 3 or 4 days in Zhangjiajie Park. So you might as well take advantage of your stay to try to venture into all the sections open to the public. For a good spread, spend the first day on the Yuanjiajie sector. Take your time to observe the very changing sky of the park. The next day, it is possible to couple the less touristy sectors of Daguangdai and Laowuchang with Yuangjiajie (with a "g" this time). A busy program with well-diversified landscapes. A kind of warm-up before the magnificent landscapes of Tianzi Mountain on day 3. At least as busy as Yuanjiajie, this portion gives even more perspective in the middle of these impressive karst peaks. After 3 days of walking around the park, the thighs are starting to heat up. The climb to Huangshi Village will therefore suffice for the program of your last day. Once this part is completed, the park will have nothing to hide from you. And you can even end your day quietly with a last visit to Yuanjiajie. To start your last descent towards the “Golden Whip Stream ” and its famous monkeys. Itinerary Day 1 : Yuanjiajie Day 2: Daguangdai, Laowuchang and Yuangjiajie Day 3: Tianzi Mountain Day 4: Huangshi Village (with Yuanjiajie bonus if possible) How to get from Yangshuo to Zhangjiajie How to get from Yangshuo to Zhangjiajie Hunan: everything you need to know about Zhangjiajie Park Hunan: everything you need to know about Zhangjiajie Park Our itinerary in China Our itinerary in China Great Wall of China: 4-Day Itinerary Great Wall of China: 4-Day Itinerary Where to see a superb sunset on the wall? Where to see a superb sunset on the wall?

  • Comment se rendre dans les monts Kaçkar | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Pour rejoindre les vallées proches des monts Kaçkar à partir de Trabzon, il faut compter une bonne demi-journée. Et quelques changements de bus pour arriver à bon port. How to get to Kaçkar Mountains from Trabzon? To reach the valleys near the Kaçkar Mountains from Trabzon, it takes a good half-day. And a few bus changes to get to your destination. First stop: Pazar or Ardesen From the Otogar of Trabzon, buses leave in the direction of Hopa and stop at Pazar or Ardesen, towns of transition to the Kaçkar. Indicate your intention to join Ayder so that the driver drops you off at the right place. For 18 Turkish liras, the bus will drop you off at Pazar, after about 2 hours of travel. Second stage: direction Ayder From Pazar, ride one of the dolmuches towards Camlihemsin and Ayder. For 13 Turkish liras, the transport will take you to this second destination in about 1h30. It is possible to start your hike from Ayder, which has become very touristy, but we advise you to extend the transport to Kavrun. Terminal: Kavrun Once you arrive in Ayder, the dolmuche will tell you which transport to take to cover the 10 kilometers separating you from Kavrun, the starting point of your hike. It will cost you 15 Turkish liras and about 30 minutes ride. You can now attack the hike or pitch your tent for free in Kavrun. What to do in Cappadocia? What to do in Cappadocia? What itinerary for a week on the Black Sea coast? What itinerary for a week on the Black Sea coast? Which itinerary in the Kaçkar mountains? Which itinerary in the Kaçkar mountains? How long to spend in Cappadocia? How long to spend in Cappadocia? Our itinerary en Turkey Our itinerary in Turkey

  • À propos | Douze regards du monde

    Douze regards du monde est né en février 2017, après un voyage au Cambodge. De retour en France, on s'est dit qu'on allait partir en tour du monde. Twelve views of the world in a few words Douze regards du monde was born in February 2017, after a trip to Cambodia. Back in France, we thought we were going to go on a world tour. It was a first point, rather important. But we didn't want to go alone. So we decided to create Twelve (like the number of countries on the program) views of the world to share our encounters and our discoveries with as many people as possible. How ? On video, it's always easier to explain. To reach as many people as possible, we therefore decided to mainly make videos on social networks. With several main formats to be found on our Facebook page: Pass your relay, Back to school, Snapweek or even 90". pass your relay Our video format "Pass your relay" is surely the best ambassador of DRDM. The principle is simple: in each country we discuss with people we meet on our way to discover a little piece of their life. At the end of our exchanges, we ask them to participate in "Pass your relay": receive an object from our previous meeting to give a new one and continue sharing! A trip in your satchel To ensure sharing, DRDM also has its young ambassadors! Before leaving, in October 2017, we launched a partnership with two classes of CE1 and CM1-CM2 in the Yvelines. Throughout the year, the children worked on the different countries visited, we chatted on Skype and they even wrote a story about the DRDM mascot, Leyla Miaou! On Facebook, this partnership took shape with "Back to school". The purpose of this format: to give a drawing of one of the students distributed before we left to someone we meet, who then answers several questions about their country ( Who is your head of state?, What is your currency?, What languages are spoken in your country?). The following... Leyla Miaou at Kruger Park (South Africa) After several months of travel, we have prolongé un peu plus l'aventure. On this site this time, just to share our tips and tricks. And, above all, to be able to obtain yours. So that DRDM continues to be a platform for meeting, discovery and sharing.

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  • Nouvelle-Zélande : itinéraire, budget, ... | Douze regards du monde

    On te simplifie la vie avec notre fiche de Nouvelle-Zélande ! Itinéraire sur mesure et astuces pour faire des économies. New Zealand To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money. Our itinerary Our organization 22 days (March) 53€ per day Travel by van Camping and some Airbnb Supermarket Day 1: Arrival in Auckland and drive to Coromandel Jour 2 : hikes in theCoromandel Peninsula Day 3 : Hahei and Hot water beach Day 4 : aroundRotorua (Redwoods andHobbiton ) Day 5 :Wai-O-Tapu and Huka falls Day 6 :Lake Taupō , sunset cruise Day 7 :Tongariro alpine crossing Day 8 : Forgotten World Highway andWhitecliffs Walkway Day 9 : Whitecliffs walkway andglowworm caves Day 10 :Kawhia (black sand beach) then return to the North Days 11-13 :Whangarei and its surroundings (Urquharts bay) Day 14: return to Auckland for a plane to Queenstown Days 15-17 :wanaka (Isthmus Peak and Roys Peak) Days 18-20 : Te Anau (Milford Sound ) Days 21-22:Queenstown (Ben Lomond track) New Zealand en 90" Our favorite Our finances Food 14% Activities & various 15% + Transportation & Accommodation 71% In total, we spent €1,167 during our stay in New Zealand. In detail, this gives: €160 for food, €179 for activities and miscellaneous and €828 for transport and accommodation. Unlike other countries, we here gathered transport and accommodation because we were camping in our van. The little tricks of DRDM Around Wanaka, try the Isthmus Peak hike! It is well worth the (much better known) Roys peak and, in addition, you will have the impression of being really solo on the way. To cross New Zealand by van, try renting a certified "self-contained" vehicle. You will then have access to all the campsites without fearing the rangers, which was not the case with notre van Wicked... To complete the adventure in New Zealand How to save on your activities in New Zealand How to save on your activities in New Zealand 10 Day North Island Itinerary 10 Day North Island Itinerary 7 Day South Island Itinerary 7 Day South Island Itinerary What to do in Whangarei? What to do in Whangarei? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island?

  • Brésil : 10 mots de portugais pour s’en sortir | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Les Brésiliens font de superbes hôtes ! Mais l'anglais n'est pas leur fort. On vous a donc préparé un kit de survie en portugais. 10 Portuguese words to get by in Brazil No doubt, Brazilians make great hosts! Only slight concern, it is quite rare to hear them speak English. We have therefore prepared a small survival kit for you in Portuguese. Good morning : How are you : Thank you: Please : Please excuse me : Bye : Where is... : How much costs... : What are the timetables...: How can I/ can we go to: bom dia Tudo bem Obrigado/a For favor Desculpe Chau Wave fica/esta... Cuando custa... Quais são os horários... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Como posso/podemos ir a... Brazil in numbers 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10: 20 : 30 : 40 : 50 : 60 : 70 : 80 : 90 : 100: Um must Very Quatro Cinco Seis Sete Oito New dez vintage Trinta Quaranta Fifty Sessenta Setenta Oitenta noventa Cem Podemos tomar uma caipirinha? (we let you guess the translation) The little bonus Iguaçu Falls: Argentinian or Brazilian side, which is better? Iguaçu Falls: Argentinian or Brazilian side, which is better? Why not go to Morretes? Why not go to Morretes? Our itinerary in Brazil Our itinerary in Brazil Where to stay in Sao Paulo? Where to stay in Sao Paulo? How to cross the Brazil-Bolivia border How to cross the Brazil-Bolivia border Why stop in Florianopolis? Why stop in Florianopolis?

  • Inde : itinéraire, budget et conseils | Douze regards du monde

    On te simplifie la vie avec notre fiche sur l'Inde ! Itinéraire sur mesure et astuces pour faire des économies. India To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money. Our organization 27 days (Sep-Oct) 13€ per day Travel by bus, train guest house, hotel In the street Our itinerary Days 1-2 :New Delhi Days 3-4 :Agra avec visit of the Taj Mahal and the fort Days 5-8: Varanasi Days 9-11 : Visit ofJaipur Days 12-14 : route and visit ofbundi Days 15-17 :Udaipur , on the way visit ofChittorgarh Days 18-20:Jodhpur Days 21-24:Jaisalmer Days 25-26 :Bikaner Day 27: return to New Delhi Our favorite India in 90" Our finances Transportation 17% Activities & various 20% Accommodation 28% Food 35% In total, we spent €355 during our stay in India. In detail, this gives: €61 for transport, €70 for activities and miscellaneous, €100 for accommodation and €124 for food. The little tricks of DRDM For night trains, if you know your travel dates, do not hesitate to book in advance at the station because sometimes the trains are full. Many agencies will offer you tours but it will always be much cheaper for you to travel by yourself. Public transport costs very little and you will meet great people! To complete the adventure in India How to be alone at the Taj Mahal How to be alone at the Taj Mahal Is it better to sleep in Bundi or Chittorgarh? Is it better to sleep in Bundi or Chittorgarh? Also discover China Also discover China What to do in Bundi? What to do in Bundi? Where to sleep in Jaisalmer? Where to sleep in Jaisalmer?

  • M’Goun : comment se rendre à Aït Bouguemez | Douzeregardsdumonde

    Au départ de Marrakech, il faut prévoir une petite journée de transport pour se rendre dans la vallée des Aït Bouguemez. Top départ de la rando vers le mont M’Goun. M'Goun: how to get to Aït Bouguemez? From Marrakech, you have to plan a short day of transport to get to the Aït Bouguemez valley. Top start of the hike to Mount M'Goun. The journey from Marrakech to the Aït Bouguemez valley is divided into two parts. A first transport to Azilal then a second trip to Tabant. The trip therefore begins at the Marrakech bus terminal, located just outside the medina. A few buses, 3 or 4 during our visit, leave every day in the direction of Azilal. Plan to take a bus in the morning to be sure to arrive in Tabant during the day. 5 to 6 hours of travel in total After 3-4 hours of travel, the bus drops you off at Azilal. Right next to the vans in the direction of Tabant. They start as soon as they are full. And they reach the Aït Bouguemez valley in about 2 hours. During a magnificent journey revealing the peaks of the Atlas. You will not see the time pass. Guides such as Lonely indicate that the bus trip from Marrakech to Azilal costs 60 dirhams. On the spot, in the middle of negotiations under the sign of the trap, we had for 80 dirhams. The second trip, between Azilal and Tabant, costs 35 dirhams. How much does it cost ? Discover Morocco Discover Morocco 5-day hiking itinerary in Toubkal 5-day hiking itinerary in Toubkal Which route for the ascent of Mount M'Goun? Which route for the ascent of Mount M'Goun? Rather M'Goun or Toubkal? Rather M'Goun or Toubkal?

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