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- Itinéraire Trek Annapurnas | Douzeregardsdumonde
Depuis que la construction des routes s’intensifie sur le parcours du trek des Annapurnas, il n’existe plus vraiment un itinéraire classique à parcourir. De Bhulbhule à Ratipana en passant par le Tilicho Lake, voici le nôtre, entre 12 et 15 jours. What itinerary for the Annapurna trek? Since the construction of the roads intensifies on the route of the Annapurna trek, there is no longer really a classic route to follow. From Bhulbhule to Ratipana via Tilicho Lake, here is ours, between 12 and 15 days. Let's be clear, there is no classic route on the Annapurna trek. You will often come across the same hikers on the way, but they will surely have started before you and planned to finish after you. Or vice versa. Our itinerary, from Bhulbhule to Ranipata is quite adaptable. For example, you can spend more time in Manang, go faster at the end, take more time at the start or skip Tilicho Lake. But in the meantime, here is our journey. Day 3: from Timang to Upper Pisang (22kms, +700m) Transition day. The terrain is fairly flat and the climb gradual. A few streams brighten up the hike and the nearby mountains start to look really impressive. Day 4: Upper Pisang to Braka (13kms, +200m) After a big climb (500m drop over 5 kilometers) to Ghyaru, the landscape is splendid. First the village, with the farandoles of Buddhist prayer flags. And the decor in the background: peaks at 7,000m. We begin to feel the beauty and freshness of the altitude. We stop at Braka to anticipate our round trip to Ice Lake the next day but you can extend to Manang. On the menu: cinema, refueling, lower prices and relaxation before attacking the high altitudes. Here, most of the hikers do a day of acclimatization. Day 6: from Braka to Tilicho Base Camp (17kms, +800m) The climb is gradual up to Tilicho Base Camp. The altitude begins to be felt so it is a question of being considerate. Especially since the destination has been popular with Nepalese since a famous film like " Fires of Love " was shot at Tilicho Lake. If necessary, cut this stage in two by stopping at Yak Kharka or Shreekharka. Just to arrive early enough at Tilicho Base Camp and make sure you have a bed, very popular at this altitude. Bhulbhule 840m Jagat 1400m Dharapani 1860m Timang 2600m chame 2650m Lower Pisang 3200m Upper Pisang 3300m Manang 3519m Shree Kharka 3800m Tilicho Base Camp 4200m Tilicho Lake 4919m Churi Ledar 4200m Thorung Phedi 4450m Thorung La 5416m Altitudes by location FYI, our elevations and distances are based on maps.me . Always check what the application provides because some days are a bit of a yo-yo and you do more elevation than what you are told. Day 10: Thorung High Camp - Thorung La Pass - Ratipana (13kms, +550m, -1,750m) Depending on your walking pace, the departure takes place between 2 and 4 am, to arrive at the same time as the daylight at the Pass and above all to avoid the wind, which rises quite early. Very linear, this portion of just under 4 kilometers is done almost in single file. To reach the Thorung La Pass after the last 550 meters of elevation. Up there, you will find many faces crossed during the hike, the enthusiasm is contagious and the smiles and warm hugs contrast with the wind, which is icy at times. After savoring your ascent, chatting with old acquaintances and appreciating your effort, the descent to Muktinath awaits. With a panorama of a foretaste of Mustang (next destination?). The precaution is in order because, even if you think that the hardest part is behind you, the descent is perilous. Especially because the hiker is relieved. After 1.8 kilometers of elevation gain and 14 kilometers of walking, you are in Ranipauwa. Some will sleep there and prolong the pleasure of walking the next day. Others will leave by transport to Jomsom. Either to catch a plane (whose only daily takeoff is conditioned by the wind) the next morning, or to return to Pokhara after an epic bus ride. What largely remember the anecdotes accumulated during the hike. Day 1: from Bhulbhule to Jagat (19 kms, +600m elevation gain) This day is quite gradual and takes you through the rice fields. The t-shirt is out and you wonder why you carried such warm things in your bag. This stage can be shortened or lengthened because many villages are located near Jagat. Day 2: Jagat to Timang (22kms, +1,200m) Like the day before, a portion of the route is made up of stony paths where 4x4s will throw dust at you without pity. The arrival at Timang, after a good drop of 500m over 4 or 5 kilometers is dazzling. From the village, in October, you can see the surrounding snow-capped peaks. And we finally understand why we took our fleece on board. Day 5, acclimatization: Braka - Ice Lake - Braka (12.5kms, +1,200m, -1,200m) Leaving early in the middle of the yaks and followed by the dogs, we arrive at Ice Lake with the dawning light. The show is splendid. The snow-capped mountains on the slope facing the first lake, located a few meters from Ice Lake, are reflected in the water. The mirror effect is stunning. The secret to attending this masterpiece of nature: leave early. On the way back, dozens and dozens of hikers make the climb and will not take advantage of the tranquility of the place. In any case, not alone. This acclimatization day also allows you to make climbs that are more " légères " in terms of altitude difference. If the landscape at Ice Lake, at 4,600m, is breathtaking, keep in mind that this day should allow you to better prepare for the rest of the hike. Day 7: Tilicho Base Camp - Tilicho Lake - Upper Shreekharka (16kms, +870m, -1,050m) From 4am, hikers file past to complete the many switchbacks to Tilicho Lake. After a few hours of climbing - manage your pace well, one of us learned it the hard way, we're not kidding at that altitude -, the azure blue of Tilicho Lake is offered to you, at the middle of the mountains. The effort is amply rewarded, enjoy. After the descent, time to debrief your impressions after discovering this superb panorama and you are already in Upper Shreekharka. Where, once again, rooms are prized. Day 8: Upper Shreekharka - Churi Ledar (13kms, +200m) After the spectacle of Tilicho Lake, the Thorung La Pass is offered to you. After having turned back towards Shreekharka the day before, you head towards Churi Ledar in a walk of almost scrubbing compared to the effort of the day before. At Churi Ledar, arriving early enough, you will have a good bed and something to treat yourself to a good meal in the “ bien Chaud ” space (everything is relative ) from the common room. From there, you really understand why you have so much stuff for the cold in your bag. Day 9: Churi Ledar - Thorung High Camp (6kms, +700m) Depending on how fit you are, decide to sleep at Thorung Pedi or High Camp instead. Arriving before 9:30-10am at High Camp should get you a decent room. In the afternoon, acclimatize a little by climbing to the nearby viewpoint to admire a last panorama of this side of the valley. The atmosphere is quite special. All hikers feel the end of their walk and the spirit is quite cheerful all day. Everyone expresses their excitement, their favorite moments of the hike and their doubts before crossing the Pass. Then comes the night, cold it must be said, before the final ascent. To avoid MAM (acute mountain sickness), we advise you to talk a lot with your co-hikers. Do not hesitate, in case of fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, to warn your companions that you would like to slow down. It is necessary to watch out for the warning signs as much as possible in order not to suffer from MAM and to make the most of the hike. Everyone reacts differently depending on the altitude and every hiker can suffer from MAM, even if it has never happened to them. We therefore advise you to stay hydrated, to avoid sweating, to avoid being out of breath (this means that you are managing your effort well) and, once again, not to hesitate to warn other people at the slightest doubt. MMA What to take on a hike for the trek around the Annapurnas? What to take on a hike for the trek around the Annapurnas? Annapurna trek: duration, price, itinerary, accommodation... everything you need to know Annapurna trek: duration, price, itinerary, accommodation... everything you need to know Sleeping at Thorung Phedi or at Thorung High Camp? Sleeping at Thorung Phedi or at Thorung High Camp? Why arrive early at Tilicho base camp? Why arrive early at Tilicho base c amp? Our itinerary in Nepal Our itinerary in Nepal
- Grande Muraille de Chine : itinéraire | Douzeregardsdumonde
Mêlant sections restaurées et plus sauvages, la Grande Muraille de Chine permet d’organiser différents parcours à partir de Pékin. En 4 jours, il est possible de passer de section en section avec un programme bien diversifié entre Jinshanling, Gubeikou et Jiankou. Great Wall of China: 4-Day Itinerary Combining restored and wilder sections, the Great Wall of China allows you to organize different routes from Beijing. In 4 days, it is possible to go from section to section with a well diversified program between Jinshanling, Gubeikou and Jiankou. Overnight in Huairou After this good day of hiking, do not linger in Gubeikou. Take bus 25 towards Huairou, where you can spend the night. The Super 8 Hotel is one of the few to accept non-Chinese guests. A double room cost 216 yuan in June 2018. D2: from Huairou to Jiankou Around 11am, take the H25 bus towards Xizhazi (it only runs twice a day according to Lonely). The terminus is located at the end of the village of Xizhazi, the perfect entry point for hikes on the Great Wall. Several hostels offer accommodation and catering. D2: " stairways of paradise " and sunset Once you have dropped off your luggage, head over the Jiankou Wall (officially closed to the public) via the bridge located 200 m from the bus terminus. In a marvelous setting, walk west to the " stairs of paradise " for a bit of exercise. Then extend a few turns furtherfor a beautiful sunset . For the return, it is possible to reach the village of Xizhazi by going down the " stairs of paradise ". Xizhazi - "Stairs of paradise: 1h30 walk D4: from Jiankou to Mutianyu On the last day, leave Jiankou early enough to reach the Mutianyu portion. The degrees of incline are pretty tough on this section, until you reach the “Corne de boeuf ”. The continuation takes the form of a long descent to the section of Mutianyu, where it seems complicated to dodge the payment of the entry ticket (40 yuans). At tower 10, you can go down to the village of Mutianyu where a minibus can take you to Huairou, the last stop before Beijing. A last trip on the 916 bus will complete these 4 magnificent days on the Wall. Jiankou - Pointed North Tour: 1h Sharp North Tower - Ox Horn: 20 minutes Ox horn - Round 10: 1h D1: start at Jinshanling East Badaling, Mutianyu, and now Simatai. It will be no. For 4 days of hiking on the Great Wall of China, these three restored and "Disneylandized" sections are to be avoided. The entry point can be at Jinshanling, where you will have to arrive the day before. The next day, the hike starts at Jinshanling East Gate (65 yuan). Be sure to walk around to the two easternmost towers. Unrestored, they overlook the Simatai wall in a magnificent setting. Unfortunately, a guard posted in the corner will forbid you to go further. D1: from Jinshanling to Gubeikou Do not delay too much on the restored parts. Around the Jinshanling wall, the landscapes are magnificent but you will quickly have to slalom between the tourists disembarking from the cable car. So continue your walk on the Wall towards the West. A 5-6 hour walk awaits you to Gubeikou. You will surely be alone, walking along the wall on a section surrounding a military camp, strolling on the " dragon enroulé " and noticing the change in the surrounding landscape , very green then very dry. Jinshanling - Gubeikou : 5-6h walk J3 : de « l'aigle prenant son envol » à « Beijing Knot » For this whole day on the Great Wall, maps.me will be your best friend. In the early morning, do the reverse of the way back from the day before. Once at " escalators of paradise ", continue your discovery to the West via " l'aigle nid 915cc78 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_”. On these partly restored portions of the Wall, it will sometimes be necessary to leave the building to walk along it for several tens of meters. This somewhat physical hike can end at “ Beijing Knot ”, dominating the surroundings and once again offering a splendid view. If time permits, you have two options. Prolonger de « Beijing Knot » jusqu'à « la Tour aux neuf yeux » ou alors walk the short section from your entry point on the Wall on day 1 to the point called “ Jiankou ” on maps.me , a kind of notch wedged between two vertiginous staircases. « Escaliers du paradis » - « Beijing Knot » : 1h15 Jiankou - 38 pedaling: 45 minutes Little tricks - On the hike between Jinshanling and Gubeikou, the most beautiful landscapes are on the side of Jinshanling (even if everything is a matter of taste). If you find a way to reach Huairou as easily from Jinshanling as from Gubeikou, we would therefore advise you to reverse the first part of the hike. A good way, in addition, to end up with the two superb towers more “ authentiques” towards Simatai West. - It may seem obvious but we really saw the difference, try if possible to hike on the Wall during the week! You will really feel like you have it all to yourself. How to get from Yangshuo to Zhangjiajie How to get from Yangshuo to Zhangjiajie Zhangjiajie Park: which itinerary for 1, 2 or 4 days? Zhangjiajie Park: which itinerary for 1, 2 or 4 days? Hunan: everything you need to know about Zhangjiajie Park Hunan: everything you need to know about Zhangjiajie Park Our itinerary in China Our itinerary in China Where to see a superb sunset on the wall? Where to see a superb sunset on the wall?
- Bolivie : comment se régaler à La Paz | Douzeregardsdumonde
Après plusieurs semaines passées à déguster les mets boliviens, un stop chez SwissFondue vous fera du bien. How to eat in La Paz After several weeks spent tasting Bolivian dishes, a culinary stop at SwissFondue, in La Paz, will do you the greatest good. The landscapes of Bolivia are sumptuous. Its inhabitants form a very endearing people. But their cuisine can sometimes frustrate the tourist who loves good food. If it causes an instant return to childhood, the salchipapa actually has a hard time convincing with its refinement. In Sopocachi, the scene is set Comfort is surely to be found in La Paz. In the chic district of Sopocachi, you cannot miss the sign. A wooden storefront, a red flag with a white cross and an evocative name: Swissfondue. The decor is set, tonight we enjoy. Around 20€ per evening A fondue, a bottle of wine and a chocolate fondue later, it's time for reconciliation (it takes about twenty euros all the same). A tasting like an express return to the European winter. To better face future milanesas de pollo. How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile Our itinerary in Bolivia Our itinerary in Bolivia How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru Lake Titicaca: rather Peru or Bolivia? Lake Titicaca: rather Peru or Bolivia? How to get to Torotoro How to get to Torotoro What to do in Sajama? What to do in Sajama? How to get to Sajama in Bolivia How to get to Sajama in Bolivia
- Nouvelle-Zélande : itinéraire de 7 jours dans l’île du Sud | Douzeregardsdumonde
On aurait pu passer des semaines et des mois sur l’île du Sud en Nouvelle-Zélande... mais pas notre porte-monnaie. Alors si le temps (c’est de l’argent) vous est compté, voilà un itinéraire d’une courte semaine d’immersion dans le Sud. New Zealand: 7-Day South Island Itinerary We could have spent weeks and months on the South Island in New Zealand... but not our wallet. So if time (it's money) is limited, here is a short week of immersion in the South. Milford Sound in the early morning Once again, we were bound by time and the South Island is worth exploring in more days/weeks. But during our short stay, this route has already allowed us to take full view! The North has whetted our appetites! So we're off from Auckland, heading to Queenstown for a short week in the South of New Zealand. With 7 days to get a taste of these sublime mountains (the landing in Queenstown is magnificent). D1: arrival in Queenstown and stroll along Lake Wakatipu D2: Glenorchy then road to Wanaka D3: Isthmus Peak, a very untouristy hike with magnificent landscapes D4: Roys Peak, more touristy but just as amazing D5: road to Te Anau and stroll along the lake of the same name D6: Milford Sound road then return to Queenstown D7: Ben Lomond Track then send postcards before plane Itinerary What to do in Whangarei? What to do in Whangarei? 10 Day North Island Itinerary 10 Day North Island Itinerary Our itinerary in New Zealand Our itinerary in New Zealand How to save on your activities in New Zealand How to save on your activities in New Zealand Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island? Where to camp with Wicked Van on the North Island?
- Laos, 4 000 îles : pourquoi passer 3 jours à Don Som ? | Douzeregardsdumonde
Pour éviter les bien connues Don Det et Don Khon, Don Som est le spot idéal pour 3 jours sur les 4 000 îles au sud du Laos. Why spend 3 days in Don Som? To avoid the (too) well-known Don Det, Don Khong and Don Khon, Don Som is the perfect spot to spend three days on the 4,000 islands in southern Laos. The island extends over a little over 10 kilometers. And yet, unlike its neighbors Don Det and Don Khong, only one guesthouse has made its mark. Run by the Lao-Dutch couple, Tanoi and Sander, the Don Som Riverside Guesthouse borders the Mekong. And its hammocks are a great way to watch the sunrise over this peaceful island. In the middle of a Lao village Placed in your bungalow, you can easily engage in discussion with your hosts, super friendly and very good cooks. They love to share Lao culture and will advise you to take a tour of the island to meet the locals. Super welcoming and smiling, the latter could well invite you for a drink or two if they meet you on the way, between two happy “Sabaideee” of their children. Want to go to Don Det? Everything is possible The place is perfect for relaxation and the locals will make you want to enjoy it. But if you want to go to Don Det to take a look at the waterfalls and the dolphins on the Laos-Cambodia border, Tanoi and Sander rent bikes and scoots for the day... Just to be back in time for dinner at the edge of the Mekong! From Pakse, take a tuk tuk to the km8 terminal to the south. You will then find songthaew for 40,000 kips per person towards the 4,000 islands. You have to ask if the driver stops at the Ban Khinak market. From there you will have to walk 100m to a wooden bridge and then take a boat at 3,000 kips per person. By turning left at the exit of the boat, you will then find about 500m a sign indicating the guesthouse. For more info, Tanoi and Sander will answer you in detail via their Facebook page! How to get to Don Som from Pakse Scooter: rather Thakhek or the Bolavens? Scooter: rather Thakhek or the Bolavens? Our itinerary in Laos Our itinerary in Laos How to get from Bangkok to Pakse au Laos? How to get from Bangkok to Pakse au Laos? How and where to cross the border between Laos and Vietnam How and where to cross the border between Laos and Vietnam What to do at Muang Ngoi? What to do at Muang Ngoi? How and where to cross the Thailand-Laos border? How and where to cross the Thailand-Laos border?
- Trek des Annapurnas : dormir à Thorung Phedi ou au Thorung High Camp ? | Douzeregardsdumonde
Avant d’achever votre tour des Annapurnas et de franchir le Thorung La Pass, vous devrez trancher : passer votre dernière nuit à Thorung Phedi ou à Thorung High Camp. On vous donne un coup de main. Trek des Annapurna: is it better to sleep in Thorung Phediou at Thorung High Camp? Before completing your Annapurna tour and crossing the Thorung La Pass, you will have to decide: spend your last night at Thorung Phedi or at Thorung High Camp. We give you a helping hand. If you are well oxygenated: High camp (4,800m altitude) For a few days already, you will be above 3,500m in altitude, ready to cross the Thorung La Pass after your acclimatization. The Thorung High Camp culminates at 4,800m above sea level. If you made a detour by Tilicho Lake during your hike, you will not be afraid and surely willing to sleep so high. We opted for this option after spending the night at Churi Ledar (4,200m). Firstly because it felt good, secondly to cut the elevation in half between Ledar and the Pass (twice 600m instead of 300 and 900), and thirdly because it allows you to leave a little later on the last day. At this point in the hike, it is important to act according to your state of form. The last reason to sleep at the High camp is the panorama then offered to hikers. After reaching the camp, having had your fill of some dumplings and warmed up with a ginger-honey-lemon tea, climb to the adjacent summit. To make you a little acclimatization before the climb the next day. But above all to access a magnificent panorama of the Annapurnas. Enjoy it, you will say goodbye to this valley the next day. To avoid MAM (acute mountain sickness), we advise you to talk a lot with your co-hikers. Do not hesitate, in case of fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, to warn your companions that you would like to slow down. It is necessary to watch out for the warning signs as much as possible in order not to suffer from MAM and to make the most of the hike. Everyone reacts differently depending on the altitude and every hiker can suffer from MAM, even if it has never happened to them. We therefore advise you to stay hydrated, to avoid sweating, to avoid being out of breath (this means that you are managing your effort well) and, once again, not to hesitate to warn other people at the slightest doubt. MMA If you dread the MAM: Phedi (4,500m) View from High Camp Again, the decision to sleep at Phedi or High camp depends on your fitness level. If you're worried about sleeping less at high altitude or getting a few headaches, spend the night in Thorung Phedi. The camp has several rooms and, arriving early enough from Ledar, you will be sure to have a bed to spend the night. In order to prepare for the next day's ascent to the Pass, you can take advantage of your afternoon to complete part of the climb to the High Camp. The next day, you'll have to climb more than if you left High Camp, but you'll be climbing in the dark so you won't see anything! Sleep in Phedi and then in High Camp? Bad idea In our opinion, there is no point in cutting your effort in half and sleeping in both Phedi and High Camp. Firstly because, it must be admitted, we do not spend the best nights at altitude. Doing you a night at 4,500 then a night at 4,800 is therefore not the best idea. Then because you will be very close to the end of the hike and will want to finally cross this Thorung La Pass. Getting frustrated by spreading this effort out over two days can turn into a downturn in morale. Finally, it is important to insist once more here, if you have such doubts about your ability to cross the Pass, it may be a sign that it is better to stop there. Without being alarmist, you must nevertheless listen to your body and, in case of doubt, do not hesitate to go down even if you do not cross the Pass. If you decide to sleep at Thorung High Camp, try to arrive as early as possible as places are limited. This will save you from having to sleep in the common rooms, as is also recommended forTilicho Lake . Arrive at High Camp early to ensure a bed What to take on a hike for the trek around the Annapurnas? What to take on a hike for the trek around the Annapurnas? Annapurna trek: duration, price, itinerary, accommodation... everything you need to know Annapurna trek: duration, price, itinerary, accommodation... everything you need to know Our itinerary in Nepal Our itinerary in Nepal Why arrive early at Tilicho base camp? Why arrive early at Tilicho base c amp? What itinerary for the Annapurna trek? What itinerary for the Annapurna trek?
- Bolivie : itinéraire, budget, conseils | Douze regards du monde
Pour te simplifier la vie, voici notre fiche technique de Bolivie ! Itinéraire sur mesure et astuces pour faire des économies. Bolivia To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money. Our itinerary Our organization 26 days (January) 26€ per day Travel by bus Hostels Small restaurants Day 1: arrival atPuerto Quijarro , from Brazil Days 2-4 :santa cruz Day 5 : direction Cochabamba for the Torotoro national park Days 6-7 :torotoro national park Days 8-12: visit ofSugar Day 13 : departure toTupiza Days 14-17: excursion toUyuni Salt Flat Jour 18 : transportation to Sajama Days 19-22:Sajama (mirador, geysers, lagoons...) Days 23-24 :La Paz Days 25-26 :Copacabana and Isla del Sol Bolivia in 90" Our favorite Transportation 16% Accommodation 19% Food 27% Activities & various 38% Our finances In total, we spent €673 during our stay in Bolivia. In detail, this gives: €109 for transport, €126 for accommodation, €182 for food and €256 for activities and miscellaneous. The little trick of DRDM To fully enjoy the Salar de Uyuni, we advise you to go through the town of Tupiza, further south. Unlike the excursions starting from Uyuni and starting with the salt desert, these end their tour there in apothéose. Personally, we went through the Alexandro agency, a little chère (1550 bolis/person for the tour) but top quality! To complete the adventure in Bolivia How to get to Torotoro How to get to Torotoro How to eat in La Paz How to eat in La Paz How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Chile How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru How and where to cross the border Bolivia - Peru Lake Titicaca: rather Peru or Bolivia? Lake Titicaca: rather Peru or Bolivia? What to do in Sajama? What to do in Sajama? How to get to Sajama in Bolivia How to get to Sajama in Bolivia
- Afrique du Sud: où camper parc Kruger | Douzeregardsdumonde
Pour prolonger la découverte des animaux au parc Kruger, en Afrique du Sud, on a une super option camping pour vous. Where to camp in Kruger Park? To extend the discovery of animals in Kruger Park, South Africa, opt for camping in the smaller camps. An ideal mix between rest and immersion with the animals. The fence does not stop vibrating. Barely nightfall, at the stroke of six o'clock in the evening, the hyenas are active around the Maroela camp in Kruger Park, South Africa. On the lookout for leftover food and always on the lookout for the slightest gesture of a possible springbok. The ride will last all night long, intriguing and fascinating. A unique experience. Malelane and Maroela rather than Lower Sabie Between the hungry hyenas, the lost giraffes and the elephants come to nibble on a few bits of leaves, the smallest Kruger camps will leave you with unforgettable memories. We told it in detail in November 2017 dans the show Your clicks and your slaps, on Radio Campus Paris . The Malelane or Maroela campsites will thus have the advantage of immersing you in the middle of the bush. All well away from the lights and noise of major sites like Lower Sabie. Because some sometimes welcome several hundred visitors. Just that. Book these pitches in advance onKruger Park website , you will prolong the wonder of the day, lulled by the comings and goings of the animals ! A little advice... Frontière Afrique du Sud - Lesotho : où et comment ? Border South Africa - Lesotho: where and how? Our itinerary in South Africa Our itinerary in South Africa Pourquoi partir en novembre ? Why leaving in November? Pourquoi la Wild Card vaut le coup ? Why there Wild Card worth the shot ? Why camp 2 nights at Storms River? Why camp 2 nights at Storms River?
- Vietnam : itinéraire, budget et conseils | Douze regards du monde
On te simplifie la vie avec notre fiche du Vietnam! Itinéraire sur mesure et astuces pour faire des économies. To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money. Vietnam Our itinerary Days 1-2 :sapa Days 3-6 :loop of Ha Giang Days 8-10 : Cat Ba, Halong Bay tour Days 11-12 : Hanoi (city walks) Days 13-15 :Tam Coc (boat trips in the rice fields) Days 16-18 :Hue Days 19-22 :Hoi An (city walks and Kuang Si waterfall) Days 23-25 : Ho Chi Minh City Our favorite Our organization 25 days (May) 18€ per day Travel by bus guest house Restaurants and local markets Vietnam in 90" Our finances Activities & various 9% Accommodation 25% Transportation 29% Food 37% In total, we spent €400 during our stay in Vietnam. In detail, this gives: €37 for activities and miscellaneous, €99 for accommodation, €116 for transport and €148 for food. The little tricks of DRDM Night buses are a very good way to save several accommodations on your route in Vietnam. Some companies also offer super comfort so you'll be in good shape the next day! A word of advice, come early to make sure you have the best seats on the bus. To complete the adventure in Vietnam Laos: rather Thakhek or the Bolavens? Laos: rather Thakhek or the Bolavens? Discover China Discover China Your tailor-made trip to Laos Your tailor-made trip to Laos Welcome to India Welcome to India Our itinerary in Mongolia Our itinerary in Mongolia
- Pourquoi passer 10 jours dans la Vallée sacrée des Incas | Douzeregardsdumonde
Entre les salineras ou encore les ruines de Pisac, la Vallée sacrée des Incas retient le voyageur. Why spend 10 days in the Sacred Valley of the Incas? Between Machu Picchu, the salineras or the ruins of Pisac, the Sacred Valley of the Incas can easily hold the traveler. We advise you to spend some time there. Machu Picchu is not enough. Certainly, the Inca city is a must in Peru. But why not linger in the region? In Cusco first. For the visit of the city and also the stroll on its heights, in the middle of the ruins of Sacsayhuamán. Pisac, Moray and Salinas From Cusco, organize a short circuit between Pisac, Urubamba and Ollantaytambo. Sleeping in each of these cities, you can quietly take your time to visit the ruins of Pisac, the salinas of Maras and the fascinating terraces of Moray. Last stop (not obligatory), on the high ruins of Ollantaytambo. From Salkantay to Choquequirao, a wide choice of hikes Last tip, take a hike in the area. The best way to enjoy the landscapes. Choice of Salkantay, Choquequirao, hike to the colored mountains. The menu is wide and justifies staying ten days in the area. Because, we assure you, you will want to help yourself a second time. Maras salt flats If you plan to spend time in the Cusco area, buy the “boleto turistico”. For 130 soles, you will have access to Sacsayhuamán, the terraces of Moray, the ruins of Pisac or even a few museums in Cusco. A ticket that quickly pays for itself. For the salinas, however, you will have to pay 10 soles directly on site to access the site. How to make the most of your stay in the Sacred Valley The terraces of Moray Why go to Choquequirao? Why go to Choquequirao? Le Machu Picchu pour pas cher, mode d’emploi Machu Picchu for cheap, instructions Our itinerary in Peru Our itinerary in Peru How to get to Choquequirao How to get to Choquequirao Comment et où passer la frontière Pérou - Chili How and where to cross the Peru - Chile border What is the best route for the Choquequirao? What is the best route for the Choquequirao?
- Où dormir à Jaisalmer ? | Douzeregardsdumonde
En plein centre du fort de Jaisalmer, Teju et son auberge Temple view offrent un super rooftop sur la ville. Et pour des prix très abordables. Where to sleep in Jaisalmer? Right in the center of the Jaisalmer fort, Teju and its Temple view hostel offer a great rooftop view of the city. And for very affordable prices. We liked it so we did a little advertising. On the end of our trip to Rajasthan, we spent 4 nights in Teju's hostel, Hotel Temple View, in Jaisalmer. You can sleep there for quite cheap depending on the comfort you are looking for. We got 400 rupees for two for 4 nights in a room with private bathroom. Nice view and good prices Once you have put your bags in your room, go up to the second floor. A super pleasant rooftop awaits you with a view of the Jain temple and sunset on the horizon. Regarding its menu, Teju offers quite affordable prices compared to its rooftop neighbors (thali at 100 rupees against 150 elsewhere). Although, of course, you will eat for less in the streets outside the fort. Desert option available We felt so good on this rooftop that we didn't move from there. But Teju offers desert tours at fair market entry prices (1200 rupees per person for one night with all meals included). To be discussed around a chai on the rooftop of course. How to be alone at the Taj Mahal How to be alone at the Taj Mahal Is it better to sleep in Bundi or Chittorgarh? Is it better to sleep in Bundi or Chittorgarh? Discover China Discover China What to do in Bundi? What to do in Bundi? Our itinerary in India Our itinerary in India
- Atlas : itinéraire de 5 jours de rando au Toubkal | Douzeregardsdumonde
Plus haut sommet du Maroc, le mont Toubkal offre par ailleurs de superbes possibilités de randos. Voici une petite idée de boucle en 5-6 jours avec des paysages très variés, ascension incluse. Atlas: 5-day hiking itinerary in Toubkal The highest peak in Morocco, Mount Toubkal also offers superb hiking opportunities. Here is a small idea of a loop in 5-6 days with very varied landscapes, ascent included. Day 1: Imlil-Refuge des Mouflons (11kms, 1.5km of elevation gain) From Imlil, the road to Toubkal goes through Sidi Chamarouch. The climb is very regular and allows you to manage your effort well. Don't leave too late because this portion is well exposed to the sun. In 3 to 5 hours, you can reach the Mouflons refuge or pitch your tent a little higher. Before the ascent the next day. Day 3: Mouflons refuge-Lac d'Ifni (8.2kms, 500m of positive elevation, 1.4km of negative elevation) Once recovered from your ascent, head for the other side and Lake Ifni. 500m of elevation gain await you over approximately 2.5kms. A gentle awakening. Take a break at the top. Before descending in a zigzag for 5.5 km towards Lake Ifni. The descent is a bit technical but the scenery below and the night in a tent by the lake will greatly comfort your traumatized knees. Day 2: Climbing Mount Toubkal (3.2kms, 1km of elevation gain, then reverse path) The climb to Toubkal will test your legs and your breath. Very steep and regular, the ascent is nevertheless quite accessible. Provided you go at your own pace. If in doubt about the signage (it's simple, there isn't any), don't hesitate to call on a guide. Give yourself a chance to see the sunrise at the top by leaving around 4am! After enjoying the summit, it's time for the descent to the refuge. For a little afternoon rest. Moreover, it is possible to head for Lake Ifni without going down to the Mouflons refuge. But with this option, you will obviously have to carry your big bags and your tent during the ascent of Toubkal. So we opted for a round trip. Day 4: Lake Ifni-Tissaldai Quiet day. Don't leave too late to enjoy it. On the program, walk by the lake, switch to the valley of Aït Igrane and climb to Tissaldaï. At first rocky, the landscape then gives way to superb villages on the mountainside to finally lead to the foot of Mount Tarhbaloute. Along the way, watch out for the sign indicating Tissaldaï, located a little after Tisgouane. Otherwise you will descend towards Amsouzerte. Day 6: Sidi Chamarouch-Imlil (6kms, 650m of negative elevation) The return will be quiet. From Sidi Chamarouch, the descent to Imlil can take between 2 and 3 hours. It is then possible to be in Marrakech from the same afternoon by taking public transport. Before a well-deserved rest. This hike can be done in 5 days by combining days 1 and 2 or by combining days 2 and 3 (that's what we did). It is also possible to spend a week on this hike, for example spending a day at the edge of Lake Ifni. Or by adding a stage in the route of day 5, by making a detour via Tifni. Convenient Day 5: Tissaldai-Sidi Chamarouch Last height gain. On the program for this day, the ascent to Mount Tarhbaloute (about 3,800m). With, like every day since the beginning of this hike, a new decor. It is also the day of vigilance. Already because it's windy up there but also because you have to carefully scrutinize the panels. First, the first indication about 45 minutes-1 hour after Tissaldaï. It indicates Toubkal to the left, Tarhbaloute to the right. Go right to gain height. After about 2 hours, you will see the Toubkal in the distance and dominate the surroundings. Do not continue your road straight, unless you want to go down to Tifni. Instead, watch for the arrows painted on the heights on your left. Monte Tarhbaloute is located at the end of these arrows. If the entrance to this path is rather poorly indicated, the stones are subsequently well marked to facilitate the ascent. At the top, take a well-deserved lunch break. Because the day is not over. Once well recovered from this long climb, begin the descent to Sidi Chamarouch. Very technical, it requires a lot of attention. Especially after the efforts of the morning. Take your time. At the end of this long and beautiful descent, you can refuel. And spend one last night in a tent before returning. M'Goun: how to get to Aït Bouguemez? M'Goun: how to get to Aït Bouguemez? Discover Morocco Discover Morocco Which route for the ascent of Mount M'Goun? Which route for the ascent of Mount M'Goun? Rather M'Goun or Toubkal? Rather M'Goun or Toubkal?