To simplify your life, here is our technical sheet! You can find a tailor-made itinerary, information on the cost of living and our housing, food and transportation to save money.

Our organization

25 days (August)
30€ per day
Travel by car, bus
Airbnb & guest house

Restaurants premises and shopping
Our itinerary
Days 1-5 :Istanbul
Day 6 :visit of Safranbolu
Days 7-9: Amasraand start of road tripblack Sea
Day 10 : road to Sinop with detour for night inKastamonu
Jour 11 : end of the road to Sinop
Days 12-13 : visit ofBogazkaleAndAmasya
Days 14-18 :Cappadocia(valleys, underground cities, troglodyte churches)
Day 19: arrival atTrabzon
Day 20: departure toKavrun
Days 21-25: hiking in theKaçkar Mountains
Our favorite
Turkey in 90"
Our finances

& various



In total, we spent €739 during our stay in Turkey. In detail, this gives: €36 for activities and miscellaneous, €198 for food, €203 for accommodation and €302 for transport.

The little tricks of DRDM
To make the most of the many activities offered by Cappadocia and its region, rent a car! This will allow you to be very flexible in terms of your organization on site and you can for example cut two days hiking in the valleys of Cappadocia with an excursion to the churches of Soganli.